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Live Entertainment Online
Turner Pay-Per-View Live Events Online

Have you noticed a decline in Gospel Stage Plays coming to your city?...  YES!

This was the catalyst in why I created this online service. Being a promoter for many years promoting gospel stage plays, r&b concerts and stand-up comedy, I took a look back into the 90’s, and in many cities nationwide you could find a gospel stage play happening, (it seemed like they were in every city) performing 2 to 8 shows and at any given time during the play season there would be maybe 20 gospel stage plays touring the country, now you can find about 4 or 5 stage plays.

I worked with a company in the late 90’S to 2002 where we had 6 gospel stage plays touring at one time performing 48 shows per week, (those were the fun days). But in 2005 / 2006, I noticed gospel stage plays were starting to dwindle from a 9 month tour to a 6 month tour, then down to a 60-90 day tour, on down to doing just spot dates in the major cities, leaving a large void of stage plays in the smaller cities. Then it got so bad that the major cities would get just one or two plays a year. 

In 2007 a project came to me that was short lived. So I utilized all my research and experience to develop "Turner Online Present" an online pay per view service AKA "Turner Pay Per View". I was told it will never work but all I could see was a vision that could fill the void of Artist or Events not performing in the smaller cities by allowing people to watch the same shows that performed in the larger cities, live as it happens, no matter how far away they lived, on their home computer or laptop for a small fee. 

That's my passion. I hope you see the vision. We already had pay per view movies on television, pay per view wrestling events and pay per view sporting events on television. but I had never seen a pay per view event offered via computer before. Now we have "Turner Pay Per View.

Now fast forward!

"Turner Online Presents" (launched in late 2008) is a easy to use, highly secured system, delivering High Quality content securely via the world wide web. Our  pay per view service can accommodate any number of viewers. No event is too small or too large we seamlessly deliver to any size audiences. 

"Turner Online Presents" Creates solutions in an effort to revolutionize how we view live stage events by utilizing the Internet to maximize audience viewing potential for live Concerts, Musical Stage Plays, Stand-Up Comedy, Church Events, Festivals etc. and at the same time, we save your viewers, lots of money.

Let us securely stream your next event live! - Ask Us How! 
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